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Web 3.0: the new uses of the internet

The concept, fashionable today in the network, is part of a new technological generation. The decentralization of data, through blockchain technology, would forever change the way we consume information and engage with cyberspace.

The concept has been used for years, but only now is it taking flight and a greater presence on the networks. With technological advances, the Web and the Internet itself is constantly changing, providing more and more new tools to users and thus also facilitating access to information. One of the terms that has been gaining ground is Web 3.0, which points to the future of Internet browsing and how new opportunities are also arising for Internet users.

In order to understand the concept, you have to go back a bit. With the so-called Web 1.0 , it was believed that it was a form of navigation in which one simply saw content and the interaction with it was only to follow through links by clicking.  Back then, it was assumed that there were only content generators and their consumers. But there was no interaction between both parties.

The next step came with Web 2.0 , which was basically when the websites and platforms took their first steps towards what would later be the apps for mobile devices. Forums, Fotolog, Facebook in its early years, blogs, and when retail store sites began to admit comments from their users, are some of the examples. The nuance, with respect to the previous stage, is that the information consumer has also become its producer and the interaction between the sender and the receiver becomes a constant.

In the first instance, it referred to a semantic web that interpreted tables, in which, for example, if it were a retail store, users could request more specific queries. “If I was looking for an iron, I could ask him for the cheapest one and he would deliver it to me, for example,” summarizes the computer scientist.

The current concept is far from the one mentioned by Vera and all the paradigms regarding it were broken. The new Web 3.0 is more linked to the concept of Bitcoin and also has to do with the distribution of content. Basically, they are organizations that have a distributed order or government and, additionally, support the distribution of that content in blockchain code .

Being supported in this way, they become ethereal and are available throughout the network and “they would be very difficult websites to download or if someone publishes content in that place.” Downloading that content from the web would be impossible.

“If we could do that with the news and someone published a text on a Web 3.0, which is supported by blockchain, whether true or false, it would be difficult to get it out of there because it is already distributed globally,” says the specialist.

In short, he points out, what does this new way of understanding the web mean? This next level has all the characteristics that blockchain has today of reliability, of being available, of accessibility and availability. .

decentralized organizations

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) were born a couple of years ago with a cryptocurrency called Ethereum. When it is born, it has the ability to build so-called smart contracts, which allow them to put together DAOs. Vera remembers the case of ConstitutionDAO , which was a “digital mission” of a group of users around that set out to buy one of the remaining copies of the United States Constitution.

It is that we send an intelligent contract, which is a code, as if you were writing a program where all the funds go to that decentralized institution and that we all vote to set a price.

The most important thing about Web 3.0, he explains, is this capacity that is generated by having these institutions or visions that are distributed and decentralized, where even tomorrow it could, for example -and that is what is believed to happen soon-, lease contracts and notaries would no longer be needed. This is because digital contracts could be established, where it could be stipulated that, if such a particular event occurs, the monies or funds are released. The same would happen when selling a car and other situations, in which everything could be programmed.

The funds are not released for the other person, therefore that transaction could not be stopped. Immediately the funds would be passed on to that person and the contract could not be stopped, because everything is already inside the network and I have no way to stop all the nodes that make it up”, Vera develops, affirming that in this sense Web 3.0 is much safer than what we know today.

As he comments, this already exists today in banks in a centralized way, but this new concept would allow these tools to be brought to the cloud, without the need for any intermediary institution.

Risks and exposure

What makes Web 3.0 safe is that it is overcrowded and no one is in control. But the big problem is when there are big interests, whether from governments or hackers or people with ample purchasing power, and who can buy enough nodes to have control. That is the first risk, says Vera, and it is necessary to achieve a sufficiently homogeneous network so that the power of the nodes is so well distributed, that when “a vote is made or someone wants to say something, they can give their opinion without having a bias or being manipulated.”

Another of the risks in Web 3.0 is one that is more technological and that all the databases on the planet have, such as the CAP theorem -of Consistency, Availability and Partition, for its acronym in English-.

Now, if that database is minimized and it consists of two nodes, when writing something in one of them it should be immediately reflected in the other in real time and be consistent . If both nodes are checked at any time, both should have the same information, regardless of which one, for example, went down and should always try to be available . And each of these, be they two or millions of partitions , have something that interconnects them. “If that cable is cut and I can’t access the node, it can’t happen that communication doesn’t reach the other”, says Vera.

The blockchain is changing the way we do things and the technology is definitely here to stay. Many of these implementations are already being used and in many of them the citizens are not taking notice.

Unlike transfers made through traditional financial institutions, for example, these are free of charge and are more secure, since there are no taxes involved.

Web 3.0 will forever change content generation and the way we can validate if content is real or fake. In addition, being a large database united around the world, you will be able to identify the original sources of news, content, photos or all kinds of documents. It will also add a place for executing contracts and that some predict will change in about six years how things are done, how we create documents, read the news and validate information.

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