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How to prevent emails from going to spam?

Many struggle to find a solution to how to prevent emails from going to spam? but first, it is necessary to understand what SPAM is. Also called spam or junk mail, it refers to all those emails of dubious origin, whose sender is unknown or that email that has not been authorized to be received in the recipient’s inbox.

Including email marketing as one of the strategies to project any digital marketing campaign is one of the most decisive planning tactics. However, the massive sending of emails can activate the spam filters of the recipients, causing a loss of time and investment and taking the opening rate to zero; without a doubt, this would be one of the worst scenarios for the email campaign.

Do not worry!  Having a database for email marketing created to suit the digital campaign, allows each member of the contact list to have authorized receiving your emails; otherwise they will be labeled as spam.

Do you want to optimize the opening rate?

We never get tired of saying it, email marketing is one of the inevitable strategies in digital campaigns in order to achieve the positioning of a brand, product or service in the commercial market. However, the spam box is the destination to avoid and many become aware of the issue when they are already facing rejection from recipients and declining open rates.

Preventing your emails from going straight to the spam folder requires the analysis of certain details that seem insignificant, and that is why many underestimate the power they have to lead your campaign to failure. The first thing you should know is how to make a database for email marketing? And if you wonder why you should go back so much, we explain it to you.

The best thing will be to create a database from a precise segmentation in order to have quality email addresses for the email marketing campaign. For this reason, renting or buying a database of dubious origin could be harmful since the recipients are receiving emails that they have not authorized, generating their discontent.

Are you interested in discovering the rest of the tips? Pay attention to the details that we will reveal below.

How to prevent emails from going to spam?

knock on the door before entering

Although it seems trite, it is a piece of golden advice that also applies to email marketing. It is about showing a position of respect to the recipient , letting him decide whether or not he wants to receive your messages.

To gain the acceptance of the recipients of your email database, you can send a confirmation email where they themselves give the approval to receive your communications. It seems a bit risky, but from the start they will feel more confident knowing that the control is over them and that it is not a forced decision .

Take care of the number of emails sent

Taking care of the number of messages you send is another action to avoid falling into the spam folder .

In this case, the program will be in charge of verifying the number of messages that are sent from the sender account, as well as the content that it includes, which is why it is a good tactic to prevent your emails from being labeled as spam.


IP reputation

This situation is immediately detected by the ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) or Internet service provider; that is, those companies that offer Internet connection to customers.

How does the IP get to the blacklist? This happens when the IP address was previously used by another company or individual with the intention of sending spam campaigns and now you are suffering the consequences of the bad reputation that the IP has gained. The best thing would be to contact the ISP to find the resolution of the problem and that you can free yourself from the blacklist.

Bet on your own domain for your email account

Free providers like Hotmail or Gmail are very good for your personal email account, but when it comes to an email marketing campaign, it is best to opt for an account with your own domain .

The reason is that it offers greater credibility not only for the digital campaign, but also for your brand or company; therefore, subscribers will immediately take into account your professionalism in the face of the email marketing campaign. If you send mass emails with advertising content from a generic account, it is most likely that they will not pass the spam filters established by the different ISPs since they will be detected as suspicious.

Take care of the header and content

It is necessary to dwell on this advice, since spam filters not only detect IP addresses or generic domains; In this case, the content is another point in which you have to be very careful.

In relation to the content, go straight to the point, leaving aside the extensive texts; You should also avoid cluttering the text with images or URL shorteners with phrases like “click here”; even excessive personalization such as “You are the winner…” or “Exclusively for you”.

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